In the realms of the physique game, a lifter cannot reach the apex of physique development without building the posterior.

The posterior includes your back, hamstrings, glutes, and calves.  Having undeveloped hamstrings, flat glutes, a billboard back, and pipe-cleaner calves is not the look a serious lifter is going after.

When you ignore these muscles you are leaving meat on the bone when it comes to building your physique.  The goal is not to look like Johnny Bravo.

Most male trainees barely train legs which is absolutely blasphemous!

Most female trainees are completely misguided by social media when it comes to building glutes as machines, half-squats, and gimmick band “workouts” are not going to get you to the glute promised land.

Your entire posterior, especially your glutes makes or breaks your physique.

Training the posterior is hard, but nothing in life worth anything is easy.

Super Results

Supersets are definitely one of my favorite training methods.

For the uninitiated, a superset is when you perform an exercise directly followed by another exercise.

This is done either immediately with virtually no rest or with a short rest (typically 10-30 seconds) between the movements.

Most isolation movements can be performed back to back with almost no rest.

If you are performing a superset using compound movements, the rest will be a little longer since you will be considerably more gassed.

A few examples would be performing dips followed by chin-ups or barbell squats followed by glute-ham raises.

The effectiveness of supersets cannot be questioned.  They allow you to keep the intensity high and the rest times relatively low when compared to standard straight sets.

You are able to use multiple set and rep ranges when you perform supersets.

Therefore, this makes them very useful if your goal is primarily strength with some gains in hypertrophy (3-5 reps) or primarily hypertrophy with some gains in strength (8-12 reps).

Most of the training that is performed within the confines of The Fitman Performance Center involves super setting.

We are not referencing the fake hustle “supersets” you see in commercial gyms performed by Barrington Biceps.

Taking selfies and talking to Phit Vixens for 5 minutes in between movements does not constitute a superset!

We are talking about supersets that make you question why you even lift.  We perform supersets as antagonists (opposing muscle groups) or agonists (the same muscle groups).

fitman johnny bravo
The only time Johnny ever squats is to drop a load.

Most trainees can truly benefit from supersets as they allow for balanced physique development when they are performed as antagonists.

There is nothing worse than a meathead who only trains his chest and never trains his back.  This leads to having an incomplete physique and muscular imbalances.

Agonist supersets are fantastic for when you want to take the local muscular pump to Defcon 1!

RP-21 Bigger Glutes Workout

The benefits of the barbell hip thrust and the Romanian deadlift (RDL) are well-known.

They are the two most powerful barbell movements you can use to build your backside.

What is not well-known is using these two compound movements as a superset.  This will allow you to take your posterior chain development to the next level.

Unfortunately many trainees today rely on flashy machines and gimmick programs to try to build their glutes.

But the truth is that no machine ever made will hit your glutes as hard as this classic barbell superset.

This RP-21 workout is cold-blooded like The Punisher.  After a dynamic warm-up and mobility work, you will start the day with the conventional deadlift.

When you complete the deadlift, you will set up for the glute superset with the barbell hip thrusts and the RDL’s.

The day will end with standing or seated calf raises.  You can read here to learn about how to use the RP-21 Training System.

Before you read about the RP-21 Bigger Glutes workout, check out my videos on how to properly execute the barbell hip thrust and the RDL.

Your RP-21 Bigger Glutes workout is below:

Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)

Strength (RP-21)
1-Deadlift 7×3

Hypertrophy (SS is Superset)
2-Barbell Hip Thrust SS Romanian Deadlift 6×5
3-Standing or Seated Calf Raises 6×12

The beauty of RP-21 and what makes it very challenging is that you will be using relatively heavy weights while moving at a brisk pace.

This will force you to be accountable, or you will not receive the true benefits from RP-21.

Just this past Friday I used 435lbs in the barbell hip thrust and 285lbs in the RDL for this superset.  The pump you will receive in your backside after this superset is lethal.

So if you want to build more muscle mass and a better looking backside, you have to make your body uncomfortable.

The keys to a great performance with this workout are:

• Perform a dynamic warm-up and mobility work

• Use great form for all of the exercises

• Warm up your deadlift with ascending sets before choosing your opening weight

• Select a relatively heavy weight for your barbell hip thrust and RDL

• Rest 1 minute in between sets of your deadlift

• Take a 15-45 second rest between the barbell hip thrust and the RDL

• Rest 75-180 seconds in between sets

• Take a 30-second rest between sets of the calf raises


• You can perform the 6×5 superset as its own workout if you so choose.

• You can determine your rest periods based on the amount of weight you use for the exercise.

• Heavier weight will be on the higher end of the rest period while moderate weight will be on the lower end.

This workout can be programmed in many different ways, but if you are following RP-21, use this as one of your lower body training days.


Having weak, flat glutes is unacceptable if you are a lifter looking to develop their dream body.

In today’s world plastic surgeons are offering shortcuts to developing the glutes, but those results do not last nor build character.

Utilize this RP-21 bigger glutes workout so that you can add real muscle mass and thickness to your backside.

Stay consistent and you might even cause some rubbernecking!

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,

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