Progress is a process.

As you focus on making progress towards your goals, you will continue to get closer to those goals.

The worst thing that you could do is abandon your goals because it got hard along the journey.

Nothing in life worth anything comes without pain and a struggle.  Recently we were notified that one of our Fit Team athletes hard work is beginning to pay off.

The youngest member of The Fit Team, my main young man, Demetrius Deramus has been selected by USA Baseball as one of the top 18 players (16U) in the Ohio Valley (KY, MI, OH, and PA).

Demetrius Deramus and 17 other young men will represent the Ohio Valley in Cary, NC from August 17-20th for the USA Baseball NTIS (National Team Identification Series).  Check out the tweet from the national team HERE.

This type of selection to the national team does not happen overnight or purely because of genetics.

Demetrius has worked very hard and has been extremely consistent to get to this point.  He has also had amazing support from his wonderful family.

As his strength and conditioning coach, I am very proud of what he has accomplished so far in his young career, but the job is far from done.  We are not even close to satisfied at this point.

Some athletes go up a level and phone it in.  With the work Demetrius has put in I expected him to be one of the best players in the nation this year.

We will not be content and just rest on these laurels.

We will continue to train as if he has received no recognition as you have to stay hungry to get to the top.  Our eyes are on MLB.

I’ll holla at you next time,
The People’s Trainer

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