Fat loss is overwhelmingly the most sought after goal in the fitness game.

This is evidenced by the vast number of training programs and magazine headlines that focus on losing body fat.

Unnecessary body fat is our enemy, and we are trying to destroy it at any cost.

Fat loss is an admirable goal but the popular training methodologies to lose fat are fatally flawed.

For starters, wasting all of your time in the “cardio” section of a lame commercial gym will put you on a road that leads to nowhere.

When I trained primarily in commercial gyms and would look back to the “cardio” section, I would see zero evidence of anyone who ever made me think 1-2 hours on the elliptical is a good idea.

Why waste that time doing fruitless work just because everyone else is doing it?

Remember stepping outside of the box is what leads to success.

Success Leaves Clues

It is common to see memes that promote the idea that your results from living the Fit Life are “80 percent diet and 20 percent training” or similar combinations of numbers.

This could not be further from the truth.

A lifter who eats great but then trains like a minnow is going to have a lackluster physique.

Conversely a lifter who trains like Rocky Balboa but then eats like Homer Simpson is also going nowhere fast.

Real results in training come down to 1/3 training, 1/3 nutrition, and 1/3 recovery.

If a lifter’s nutrition is in order along with their recovery, then there is no reason for them to shortchange themselves by utilizing a fake hustle training program with lame “cardio” sprinkled everywhere.

When I look for a physique that is lean, muscular, and athletic I have to look no further than to sprinters.

What do sprinters do for the majority of their training?  They sprint!

Sprints are ridiculously effective for fat loss.

If all you did right now was add 3 days of sprinting to whatever your current training program is at the moment, you would get considerably leaner over the next few weeks.

When you combine sprinting, a progressive strength training program, and the appropriate diet/recovery, you will be a sight to behold!

With that being said, check out my video below to learn about the top 3 benefits of sprinting.

You will find out why sprinting is the apex predator of conditioning and is vastly superior to any form of traditional “cardio.”

The Top 3 Benefits Of Sprinting


1) You Will Save Time

Do you truly want to stay on a soul-draining device like a deadmill or elliptical for 1-2 hours just to have the machine tell you that you burned 148 calories?

Are you kidding me?

Time is the most valuable thing we have in the world.  Why not do vastly more effective work in a fraction of the time?

A full sprinting workout for fat loss will average anywhere from 15-25 minutes if you perform it correctly.

Add in 10-12 minutes for a proper warm-up and in less than 45 minutes you will have performed a phenomenal full-body workout.

The old adage of quality over quantity applies here.  The benefits of sprinting are in a different universe when compared to traditional “cardio.”

While you are performing this sprint training you will be decimating body fat, building glutes of steel, and developing thick hamstrings.

I have never met anyone in life who could not appreciate glutes that sit high and tight like a military fade haircut.

You cannot achieve this in the “cardio” section.  Use your time wisely and get your butt to the track.

2) You Will Build Muscle and Drop Fat

Sprints are the one move that can achieve this effect.

When a trainee spends hours doing “cardio” at some point you begin to sacrifice muscle mass.

Sacrificing muscle is never the goal when it comes to physique building.

When your conditioning is short, intense, and to the point like sprints are, you will build and/or retain your muscle mass while kicking body fat in the rear.

Sprinting is similar to lifting weights in that the contractions of the muscle during the exercise are intense.

So when you consistently repeat sprinting over time the muscles in your legs will grow and become leaner.

Your glutes and hamstrings will be the main muscles that receive the benefits from sprinting as you will go from a human to a stallion.

3) You Will Develop Mental Toughness

So I have done many types of lifting and conditioning workouts.

High and low volume lifting.

Rest-Pause and German Volume Training.

Supersets and Tri-Sets.

The Punisher Workout Vol. 1 and 2.

These are some of the hardest training methods of all time, but I would choose any of those workouts over running repeat 300 meter sprints any day of the week.

Sprint training makes you want to die at times as it can be that dang unbearable.

There is no worse feeling then these things happening simultaneously:

• Your heart is beating out of your chest

• Your glutes and hamstrings are pumped up beyond belief

• Your abdominals are cramping

• Your shoulders are getting tight

• Your mind wants to quit

• And you still have 100 meters to go on your 3rd of 5 300’s for the day

I have trained with many training partners over the years.  At some point, we will sprint as it is the crown jewel of my training program.

While I love to say that people continued to sprint over the years the fact is that the vast majority (99 percent) of these trainees and lifters never returned after 1 sprint session.

I definitely do not say this to brag, but I say this to let you know that you need mental toughness to consistently perform sprint workouts.

Depending on what sprint workout you are doing, they can be downright heinous.

I have been involved with sprints competitively and non-competitively since the 4th grade.  I know for a fact that my mental toughness is much greater because of those sprinting workouts over the years.

Without mental toughness, you will fold at the first sign of adversity.

Sprinting Program For Lifters

This training program can be used by beginner to advanced lifters.

Lifting will still be your primary form of training, but you will now perform sprinting as your conditioning.

The benefits you will receive from sprinting far outweigh anything you can get from that lame treadmill.

In your sprinting workouts for fat loss your progress is primarily being measured in effort instead of being measured by exact times.

This is not a speed development program, but if you would like to get some estimates on your times, you can use a stopwatch.

Be aware that the accuracy of the stopwatch will be off due to human error.  But a couple tenths is not going to matter that much when your main objective with sprinting is getting leaner.

Note:  Refer to my RP-21 Training System to learn how to perform the 7 x 3 and 6 x 5 series.  Also please perform either of my sprinter-warm ups below before starting a sprint workout.


Monday-Lower Body

Barbell Squats SS GHR 7 x 3
• rest 30 seconds between moves and 60-90 seconds between sets

Barbell Hack Squats 6 x 5
• rest 30 seconds between sets

Barbell Hip Extensions 6 x 5
• rest 30 seconds between sets

Seated Calf Raises 5 x 10
• rest 45 seconds between sets

Tuesday-Upper Body

Dips SS Pull-Ups 7 x 3
• rest 30 seconds between moves and 60-90 seconds between sets

Dips SS Pull-Ups 6 x 5
• rest 30 seconds between moves and 60-90 seconds between sets

Dips SS Pull-Ups 1 x AMRAP
• use a dip belt if and when necessary
• the weight should decrease with each new series (7 x 3 will be the heaviest set, 6 x 5 will use less weight, and the AMRAP will use the least amount of weight)
• the final set will probably start with only your bodyweight but add weight as you get stronger

Wednesday-Short Sprinting

3 x 50m
3 x 50m flys
• rest is the walk back to the start line


Friday-Lower Body

Barbell Reverse Lunges SS Barbell Hip Thrusts 5×10
• rest 1-2 minutes between movements and 2-3 minutes between sets

Seated Calf Raises 5×10
• rest 1 minute between your sets of seated calf raises

Saturday-Upper Body and Sprints

Incline Barbell Press SS T-Bar Rows 5×10
EZ Bar Skullcrusher SS EZ Bar Curls 4×8
Lateral Raises SS Bent Over Rear Delt Flys 3×12
• rest 30-45 seconds between minutes movements
• rest 1:15-1:45 minutes between sets


3 x 100m
• sprint 50m at 90 percent effort and 50m at 80 percent effort
• rest is the walk back to the start line

3 x 150m
• sprint the entire 150m at 80 percent effort
• rest is the walk back to the start line

Note: All numbers relating to “percent effort” are relative.  Please perform the sprinter-warm up prior to sprinting.

Finish Line

Sprints are the most powerful movement you can do.  They are Thanos with all of the Infinity Stones.

Sprinting makes you feel youthful and spry.  

By implementing sprinting into your training program you will see phenomenal changes with your physique and performance.

Do not accept being average.  You have to be willing to do what average folks are not willing to do in order to get to the next level.

If you want to maximize the benefits of sprinting, lifting, and diet/recovery please check out my groundbreaking new eBook, Use Speed To Get Lean below.

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,

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