I know that most people in the gym can see amazing gains. But if these people want to actually build their dream body, they need to stop complaining.

Complaint Game

Complaining about your problems won’t get you closer to solving them. Some of the most common complaints in the fitness game are:

1) “I’m so fat, but I don’t want to train today because it’s too hot outside.”

2) “I’m so skinny, but I don’t want to do squats today because it’s too cold outside.”

3) “I’m so out of shape, but I don’t want to work hard today because I had a long day.”

4) “I’m so weak, but I don’t want to lift today because the Eagles game is on.”

Why in the blue sky did you show up to complain and make excuses? I don’t like cold weather. But I don’t like being out of shape a whole heck of a lot more. And the last time I checked, the gym is inside.

As a businessman, most days are long days. But a long day won’t stop me from working hard. I’m an Eagles fan too. But I’m a much bigger fan of being healthy, fit, and strong.

If you’re serious about improving your health, you’ve got to stop complaining about it. You have to take action and do something about it.

Complaining Gets You Nowhere

Many people are unhappy with their physiques and performance.

Many of these people have been going to the gym for years. Yet, they have nothing to show for it when it comes to their physique and performance.

Most people complain about feeling weak, fat, or skinny. Instead of taking action, they complain about their lack of results. And the frustration grows year after year.

Complaining about your situation without acting is a prime example of fake hustle. Chronic complainers drain the energy from everyone around them.

How do I know these things? Because I used to be a complainer. I’ll even give you two examples from my complainer days.

First, I would complain about why the basketball coach did not select me for the team in high school. And then I would complain about looking like a bony scarecrow as a freshman in college.

The worst part about my complaining at those times is that I didn’t take action. What if I had worked on my basketball skills instead of avoiding off-season practices? What if I had been pumping iron instead of avoiding the weight room? And what if I were eating better food and not eating junk food after track practice?

If I didn’t stop complaining, I would be in the same exact spot as I was during that bad era, which was nowhere. Over time, I discovered that the cure for complaining lies in taking specific action.

It’s All About That Action Bro

Complaining is a common disease that will derail you. But you can take action immediately to move forward toward your goals.

If you are skinny and weak, it’s time for you to start pumping some iron and eating more calories. By taking these actions on a consistent basis, you will build muscle and gain weight.

If you are fat, it’s time for you to start training hard and begin making healthier food choices. You need to be willing to reduce your caloric intake and stay disciplined to shed the excess fat.

If you’re tired and stressed, make sleep a priority and find ways to lower your stress. A lack of sleep will keep you sluggish like a car that needs a new transmission. Chronic stress will have you aging in dog years.

If you are not getting time in your sport, it’s not because the coach doesn’t like you. It’s time to get yourself committed to practicing your sport on a consistent basis. Winners become so great at their craft that their coaches cannot ignore them.


Spend more time taking action and less time complaining. This way, you can make real progress toward your goals.

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,

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