sprinting workouts

This coronavirus pandemic forced almost every gym in the world to close down in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Along with the gyms, many of the tracks and fields that could be used for sprinting workouts were also locked down.

They even locked down my favorite track at Upper Moreland High School.

With virtually no tracks or fields to go to I have been asked an important question by multiple athletes, lifters, and trainees:

“How can I do sprinting workouts without using the track or turf field?”

Street Dreams

The next best place for you to sprint that is not locked down would be your street.

I covered all of the surfaces that someone can safely sprint on in my eBook, Use Speed To Get Lean.  This is what I said about sprinting on the concrete/asphalt on page 48 of my eBook:

“Due to the lack of trainable grassy hills in my area, I will typically perform hills on a harder surface like concrete or asphalt. 

Since the hill will not allow you to get to maximum speed, the force your body projects onto the hard surface during the sprinting will not wear down your joints.

In my lifetime of sprinting hills, I have never suffered a joint or tendon injury or soreness from hill sprints.”

So as you can see it is more than possible to still do effective sprinting workouts during a pandemic.

You might not go at full tilt but you can still go pretty dang fast, build a leaner body, and not get hurt.

You would now just have to use your street instead of the track or a turf field.

Fake Hustle

Many people have told me “Well, I don’t want to look crazy in front of my neighbors when I’m running down the street!”

You know what actually looks crazy?

You looking like a beach ball with limbs or a dilapidated, bird-chested scarecrow due to a lack of hard training.

A lack of hard exercise will have your body looking and feeling real bad.

Your health is your wealth.  If you make all your decisions in your life based on what other people may think you will be going nowhere fast.

Your responsibility is to your health and your family.  Sprinting will make you healthier and will allow you to be the best version of yourself for your family during these tough times.

Forget the haters and what other people think.

If I had bought the product that the haters were selling me at the start of my personal training career, I wouldn’t have ever become the Fitman.

What About Sprinting On The Treadmill?

“Sprinting” on the treadmill is not real sprinting just like squatting in a Smith machine is not real deal squatting.

They might look similar on paper.  But when you actually do both moves it’s like comparing Michael Jordan and an average NBA guard…there is no comparison!

I know you are not reading my website with the intent of being average!

You need open space to truly sprint at your best capacity.  Another uninspiring machine workout is not what the true alpha lions and lionesses are looking for.

Get yourself outside and sprint for real.

Pre-Workout Notes:

• All of the sprinting workouts from my eBook can also be used on the street.  You can download your copy here.

• I suggest you purchase a measuring wheel and some cones to measure and mark your distances.  You can get them here and here.

• I don’t know how long your street is but I will provide workouts up to 150 meters.

• These are fat loss workouts so the rest periods are shorter than what they would be for speed work.

• Do not even think about starting these workouts without doing my sprinter-warm up routine.  Watch the videos below to learn about the importance of warming up for sprinting workouts.

Street Sprinting Workouts

1) 6 x 50 meters (Short Sprint Workout)

• Mark your starting line with a cone.

• Measure out 50 meters (164.042 feet) from that cone (take another cone with you while you measure).

• Set that other cone down at the 50 meter mark and walk back.

• Perform your sprinter warm-up.

• Begin your workout.

• If you are new to sprinting I do not need you coming out of the blocks like Usain Bolt at the 2008 Olympics.  Your top speed should be about 80-85 percent of your maximum speed.

• The rest is the walk back

2) 5 x 100 meters (Medium Sprint Workout)

• Mark your starting line with a cone.

• Measure out 100 meters (328.084 feet) from that cone (take another cone with you while you measure).

• Set that other cone down at the 100 meter mark and walk back.

• Perform your sprinter warm-up.

• Begin your workout.

• If you are new to sprinting I do not need you coming out of the blocks like Usain Bolt at the 2012 Olympics.  Your top speed should be about 80-85 percent of your maximum speed.

• The rest is the walk back.

3) 5 x 150 meters (Long Street Sprint Workout)

• Mark your starting line with a cone.

• Measure out 150 meters (492.126 feet) from that cone (take another cone with you while you measure).

• Set that other cone down at the 150 meter mark and walk back.

• Perform your sprinter warm-up.

• Begin your workout.

• If you are new to sprinting I do not need you coming out the blocks like Usain Bolt at the 2016 Olympics.  Your top speed should be about 80-85 percent of your maximum speed.

• The rest is the walk back.


Even though the tracks and most fields are locked down, you can still go right outside your house and sprint.

Your street will serve as a great stopgap until the local tracks and fields open back up.

Your health is your wealth.  And the healthier you are, the better you can defend yourself against this coronavirus.


My eBook is the only eBook in the fitness game that shows you exactly how to build a lean, sprinter body.  Download your copy below.

Use Speed To Get Lean!  The Sprinting Handbook For Lifters.

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer

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