One thing you don’t want to do is throw up while or after you are working out. It’s not pretty.
I’ve seen some lifters and athletes throw up after working out. Most people think that throwing up your lunch on the grass is a result of a tough workout. That theory has merit if you are completely out of shape. Or if you are overdoing a new workout for the very first time.
Some people try to front like they are fit and in great shape. But what they must realize is that it’s completely okay to be out of shape on day one.
Most of the time when I coached people who had thrown up, it wasn’t about the difficulty of the workout. It was about their nutrition and specifically what they ate before training.
Why You Are Throwing Up During Or After Working Out
I have seen athletes hack it up after a basic warm-up.
And I have seen lifters get lightheaded after one set of limited action. When the activity you are doing is not hard, we have to look at your nutrition. Food selection, quality, and quantity are the key pieces of the puzzle. When these elements are off, they give me clues about why you are throwing up during or after your workout.
I have performed the hardest workout of all time, and I did not throw up. I’ve also done many other workouts that make you reconsider training. The burn, the pain, and the despair can push you to the brink of sanity. But I still never threw up after working out.
I am also not Black Panther, or Luke Cage, or Wolverine. I am not invulnerable, nor do I have a mutant healing factor. The reason I have never thrown up after working out is that my nutrition is always dialed in before I train. There are no exceptions to this.
You cannot afford to show up to a tough workout with garbage in your system. At that point, your odds of a great training session will fall to zero percent. That’s about the same chance I have of beating Michael Jordan, the GOAT, in a game of 1-on-1.
Having garbage food in your body will result in a piss-poor performance when it is time to train. I’ve seen people attempt workouts after eating cheesesteaks and water ice. Those workouts were short-lived, like a one-hit wonder on the Billboard charts.
How To Not Throw Up When Working Out
The timing of your pre-workout meal is important, too.
If you train with undigested food in your system, it won’t take long before it comes up after a few hard sets. In most cases, eating 1.5 to 2.5 hours before you train is a good time to eat.
You should test various food combinations and mealtimes. This way, you can discover what works best for you. To not throw up when you are working out, you have to dial in your pre-workout nutrition.
You need the right mix of quality and quantity in your food choices. Below is a list of foods I usually eat before my workouts. I’ve enjoyed these throughout my career as an athlete and natural bodybuilder.
Brown Rice
Jasmine Rice
Sweet Potatoes
Whole Grain Bread
Whole Grain Pasta
Lean Ground Turkey
Lean Ground Beef
Egg Whites
Chicken Breast
Chicken Thighs
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Egg Yolk
Fat that is a by-product of the lean meats
The moral of the story is that you are what you eat.
I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,