Many lifters want to know what the best workout split is for their goals.
The truth is that there are different training splits that are all based on a person’s ultimate goals. Terrell Trackstar has to train at a higher level and with more effort than Sally Soccermom.
Different Strokes For Different Folks
Some people believe that seeing a personal trainer one or two days a week will give them a Hollywood body.
If you believe you can build an amazing physique by training only 1 or 2 days a week, you’re as crazy as the Joker. I’ve tried various workout splits over the years. The most effective workout split that I have used is a 4-day split. It’s the ideal blend of training and recovery for most people.
This does not mean you can’t see progress if you work out three days per week. If you’re a beginner or okay with slower progress, training two days a week can lead to solid results.
On the other side of the coin, the worst training split has you working out zero days per week. If you want to transform your body and gain confidence, training is essential.
You have one body. And not taking care of your body is criminal. Making fake hustle excuses for why you “can’t” work out won’t help you. Excuses only keep you weak, unhealthy, and unhappy with your body.
We are not designed to avoid physical activity. Avoiding exercise will eventually catch up with you. To avoid this, focus on pumping iron, eating well, and prioritizing your recovery.
How Often Should I Work Out?
Use this guide below to know what results you will receive from training a certain number of days per week:
0 days per week: Absolutely no value.
1 day per week: Limited results. The slowest possible rate of progression.
2 days per week: Decent progression of results. Beginners can see good progress on this for a while, but veterans will see slower progress.
3 days per week: Very good for strength, performance, muscle growth, and fat loss; excellent for recovery.
4 days per week: Ideal for strength, performance, muscle growth, fat loss and recovery.
5 days per week: Phenomenal for muscle growth and fat loss. Overtraining could be a slight concern if your training intensity is not scaled correctly.
6 days per week: Great for fat loss and certain stages of contest prep. But recovery will eventually be compromised, and overtraining will happen. Use sparingly and strategically.
7 days per week: Not recommended. Will definitely lead to overtraining as there is no time for recovery.
The ideal 4-day training split looks just like the examples below:
4-Day Muscle Building Split
Sunday: OFF
Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: Upper Body
Thursday: OFF
Friday: Lower Body
Saturday: Upper Body
4-Day Athletic Performance Split
Sunday: OFF
Monday: Sprints or Jumps and Upper Body
Tuesday: OFF
Wednesday: Lower Body
Thursday: OFF
Friday: Sprints or Jumps and Upper Body
Saturday: Lower Body and Conditioning
Note: These splits are general samples. Many people work out on different days due to their personal schedules. On one or two of your off days, you can choose to do easy cardio, like walking, if you want.
Other Training Splits
When we were building my warehouse gym, I reduced my training days from four days per week to 2-3 days per week. To commit time to building my gym, I had to reduce my gym time.
For a lifter who is going on vacation in three weeks, I could program them to train five days a week for those three weeks.
I could do this because it is likely that when they are away, they will not train in the same fashion. This will allow them to keep those gains while they are in Belize.
Use my 4-day workout split to reach your goals the fastest. But do not be afraid to reduce the number of days you work out if you have other priorities and goals.
I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,