In order to reach the mountaintop of success, you have to stay hungry.

Most of us have goals and also want to be successful.  The fact of the matter is that some folks will reach their goals and some folks will not.  Sometimes the folks who possess less natural talent end up reaching their goals while the folks who have incredible natural talent fall short.

So, what is the difference between the people who succeed and the people who fail?  Their HUNGER.

1) How Hungry Are You?

What happens when you are very hungry?

You become consumed by the thought of satisfying that hunger.  Until you are able to eat and satisfy your hunger you cannot think about anything else with a clear state of mind.  What if you applied that concept to attaining success?  Where would you be right now?

You have to look in the mirror and ask yourself, “How hungry am I?”  When you are just kind-of hungry, you will not have the same desire to eat because you are content.  However, when you are very hungry your desire to eat is overwhelming.

Many lifters might say they want to build a respectable physique.  Many athletes might say they want to get faster and stronger.  And many members of the general public might say they want to lose some weight.  This all sounds great but if you are not hungry to reach those lofty goals, they will not happen.

Until your hunger for your goal matches the hunger you have when you have not eaten, you will not attain maximum success.  Early in my personal training career, I was not hungry.  I would show up at the gym whenever I wanted to, clown around, and leave.  This led to me having 1 client during my first year as a personal trainer.

After going nowhere fast during that year, the hunger for success started to burn in my soul.  As a result, I began to commit myself to being a better fitness professional.  I was no longer kind-of hungry, as I now wanted to follow my passion and become the best personal trainer that I possibly could.

Even as I have had success with the notoriety during the Men’s Health Next Top Trainer competition, winning the 2022 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia, and being featured on Fox 29 in Philadelphia, I am still hungry for more.

The moment you become content is the moment your progress will stop.  A wise man once said, “Do not let your wins go to your head, or let your losses go to your heart.”

2) Your Success Is Directly Connected To Your Hunger

How can a professional sports team win back-to-back championships?  What about the boxer who gets knocked out only to become champion again?  How do you get back into great shape after a long layoff?

Is it your talent or maybe even luck?  NO.  What gets you back into the game is your HUNGER.

In any profession, when you reach the pinnacle, it is human nature to get comfortable and lose focus.  The wolf at the top of the hill has attained success and can eat whenever they choose because that wolf is comfortable.

However, there is a wolf coming up the hill who is hungry.  This wolf knows that if they do not eat, then they will starve and die.  This wolf has to be willing to sacrifice sleep and shelter in order to prevent this outcome.  The only thing driving this wolf is hunger because their existence is on the line.


When your hunger for success is insatiable, you will begin to make major progress.

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,

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