Many lifters in the iron game fail to achieve great results in the gym.

Why? The truth of the matter is simple: they are not as committed to the process as they want to believe.

I have known many people who have gone to the gym multiple days per week for years. But their physiques and their performances never change. In fact, they get worse over time. How can someone who works out frequently actually regress while training?

There is one reason why some lifters get great results and others fail. It all comes down to their commitment.

You Are Either In Or You Are Out

You must commit to excellence if you want to build a great body.

To become successful in the iron game, you can’t be a halfway lifter. You can’t be a halfway trainer. There is no time for halfway bodybuilders or halfway athletes. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

The commitment line, also known as the C-line, is the line that separates who is seeing progress and who is not. If you have stepped over the C-line, you are showing a genuine dedication to building a great body. If you are behind the C-line, you are still playing games. You are lying to yourself about how serious you are.

Actions always speak much louder than hollow words and promises. Many people talk about their commitment to excellence. But most of the time they will never walk the walk.

It takes more than going through the motions at the gym and doing the same lame workout every single time. It takes more than posting gym selfies on Instagram for cheap “likes.” A committed lifter doesn’t need “likes” to fuel their lifting. He or she thrives when nobody is watching.

Going from average to great is no easy task. Committed natural bodybuilders and athletes accept that truth. Committed lifters prioritize their training, nutrition, and recovery. Your commitment level will decide if you succeed or fail at building a better body. If you are not truly committed to changing your situation, then change will not occur.

I was a skinny, lousy bodybuilder at my first show. It was in May 2011 at the NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia. I was a former college sprinter who loved bodybuilding. But I did not fully comprehend the natural bodybuilding game. As I got serious about natural bodybuilding, my physique improved. Ironically, I won the title of Mr. Natural Philadelphia at the same show 11 years later.

I’m not special. But I am committed.


If you make a real commitment to improving yourself, you will begin to achieve your fitness goals.

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,

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