competition prep

You need to maximize your time in the gym, whether you’ve just started posing practice or it’s peak week before a competition. Fitman can help you navigate all of the questions you may have along your bodybuilding journey. By signing up with a top bodybuilding coach in Philadelphia, you can gain an immediate advantage over the competition.

Posing Practice Begins Long Before The Competition

Fitness competitors and bodybuilders will see incredible benefits from practicing their posing far in advance of their competition. You should start practicing poses up to 30 weeks before a major competition. That will give you the confidence and muscle memory to do your best when you hit the stage.

As with any other type of sport, start out slow. We recommend posing 2 to 3 days per week for about 5 to 10 minutes for each posing session at the beginning of competition prep.

As you get deeper into prep, you will work your way up to posing 10-20 minutes per day, every day.  Eventually, you’ll be able to pose continuously for that 10-20 minutes without exhausting yourself.  At this point, you’ll be competition-ready. By building your endurance, you will become elite at posing.

Don’t try to practice posing for an hour a day especially when you’re not in peak condition.  Instead, keep the daily sessions between 10 to 20 minutes long.  This will help you maintain your energy and enthusiasm for the posing process.

How Long Should I Hold Each Pose?

Before you learn how to hold poses, you must learn to get into them correctly. The first several weeks of posing practice will involve getting into poses smoothly and comfortably. Once you have a pose down pat, you can try to hold it for 5 seconds. Then, add a few more seconds each week until you can hold the pose for a full 30-60 seconds.

Working with a professional natural bodybuilding coach can help you master your breathing technique.  Practicing posing will increase your stamina and will make keeping your tensing your muscles for long periods easier.  Once you get on stage, this will help you maintain a calm, cool, and collected demeanor no matter how long the judges ask you to hold a pose.  It’s one of the best ways to stand out from other bodybuilders.

What Is Peak Week?

You’ve been working hard for almost 30 weeks and feel great about how your body looks—well, almost. How can you fine-tune your muscles during peak week?

The truth of the matter is that you should be ready to step on stage before peak week arrives.  Expecting to see any drastic changes during the final week of prep is a sure way to set you up for disappointment.  The week before a major competition is not the right time to try something new.  If what you did for 29 weeks has gotten you into great condition it will continue working for 1 more week.

Peak week is not the time to go full throttle. Instead, focus on recovery, remaining fresh, and keeping your muscles full.  Eliminating subcutaneous water by continuing to drink water can help your muscles look dry and crisp.  During peak week, the primary goal is not to lose body fat, as the body fat you needed to lose should be eliminated by this time.

Benefits of Hiring A Personal Fitness Trainer

A personal trainer who specializes in competition prep for bodybuilding will help you develop and stick to a training schedule. Working with a personal fitness expert will help you improve your health and wellness, even if you aren’t competing.  You will transform your body one muscle at a time and find out for yourself how a great figure can improve your living experience.

By improving your body composition, you can increase your muscle mass and reduce your body fat level.  Transforming your body equals higher energy levels and greater confidence on competition day.

Contact a Personal Fitness Trainer In Philadelphia

At the Fitman Performance and Physique Center, you can connect with a certified personal trainer in Langhorne, PA to find out the best practices for every stage of competitive bodybuilding. Contact us today to set up an appointment!

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