The benefits of the barbell hack squat are immense.
Barbell hack squats will help you develop bigger and stronger quads. And when you step on stage, your tree trunk thighs will stand out.
Today I’ve got a question-and-answer session about the benefits of barbell hack squats.
Barbell Hack Squat Benefits Q & A
1) The barbell hack squat looks very odd. Will I get hurt?
You can get hurt while performing any exercise.
There is no greater risk of injury just because you start doing barbell hack squats. The key to minimizing injuries is using proper form and not rushing your progression.
There is no need to start week 1 at 135lbs and try to get to 275lbs in week 2. That is a recipe for a total disaster.
2) Is the barbell hack squat hard on the knees?
I have been performing barbell hack squats for 15 years. I have never had a knee issue while doing them.
If you currently have knee issues, your first stop should be at an orthopedic doctor’s office.
But if your knees are healthy, it’s time to add barbell hack squats to your training program. They aren’t any harder on the knees than any other squat.
As always, be aware of how your body responds to the movement. And make adjustments as needed.
3) How can I work barbell hack squats into my training program?
You can use the barbell hack squat in place of your barbell squat or front squat.
Once you have mastery of the movement, you can rotate it in as one of your main thigh movements.
Barbell hack squats can be awkward to learn at first, but do not quit! That is what losers do, and I know you all who are reading are not losers.
4) How strong can I get in the barbell hack squat?
You can become extremely strong in the barbell hack squat.
My best barbell hack squat is 415lbs for 8 reps. I weighed 170lbs when I did that. Currently, that’s better than my best deadlift for reps which is 405lbs for 8 reps. Stay consistent with the lift, and you will reap the benefits of greater strength and size.
5) How will barbell hack squats affect my legs?
Barbell hack squats will give you unmatched growth in your quads.
But barbell hack squats are not easy. The pump you will feel in your quads is ridiculous and painful. But the results are well worth it.
Your thighs will be thick, round, and beefy. And when you get on stage, the judges will not be able to resist eyeing your thighs. This also applies if you are walking on the beach with your legs out. Excellent wheels always stand out.
Thick thighs save lives.
I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,