5 principles

The 5 principles for success in natural bodybuilding will not make you an overnight success story.

Overnight success is something that is consistently chased in the natural bodybuilding game.  But the truth is that there is no such thing as overnight success.  You might see exaggerated stories of super-fast progress and success on social media but in most cases (99 percent) what you see is not real.  Anyone who you see who has gained true success has been working towards that success for many years.

There are 5 primary requirements for attaining success.  And in no particular order, I want to share with you all what it takes to not only be successful in natural bodybuilding but also in life.

1: Hard Work

If you think you will reach any worthwhile goal without putting in the hard work, you are sadly mistaken.  You have to accept working hard, but even more importantly you have to accept working hard and at times not getting the results you desire, especially when you first start.

2: Consistency

Hard work is required.  But if you are not consistently working hard then your hard work will not translate to success.  The person who consistently works out 2 days a week for 52 weeks a year will make more progress over time than the person who inconsistently works out 4 days a week for 26 weeks a year.  Consistent, quality effort over time wins the race.

3: Patience

Being patient is hard for most people.  But being patient will allow you to build incredible character.

Sometimes you don’t get what you want when you want it.  It took me 12 years to become a professional natural bodybuilder even though I wanted to become one in 2011.  I had to be patient because even though I wanted it bad, it was not my time.  But if I had been impatient and quit, I would have never earned my pro card.

4: Discipline

Motivation can get you started in any endeavor.  But it is discipline that will carry you across the finish line.  It is discipline that will get you to the gym on the days that you don’t want to be there.  And it is discipline that will keep you in line with your diet.  Because without discipline, your goal will remain a goal.

5: Tenacity

There will be multiple moments along your journey where you are down in the gutter.  I’ve been down in the gutter more than I’ve been on the mountaintop.  But having the tenacity to endure the tough times makes that moment when you reach the mountaintop extremely fulfilling 💯.  It’s a feeling that can only be felt when you overcome hardships.


If you apply these 5 principles to your health and fitness, you will achieve your end goals.

But if you do not apply these 5 principles to your natural bodybuilding journey, your dreams will remain dreams.  And that’s the true tragedy.

I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,


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And leave a comment below on what success looks like for you in terms of physique building.

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