In part one of this series, we talked about some of the benefits of lifting weights.
There are no downsides to being stronger, leaner, and more durable. I’ve got five more benefits of lifting weights for you today.
1) You Will Face Regular Challenges
A key benefit of lifting weights is facing regular challenges.
When you train progressively, you will eventually meet a weight you can’t lift on that day. Your character will be revealed when you fail.
Will you complain that the weight beat you down? Or will you take it personally and focus on beating the weight next time? When you lift weights, you face challenges. These challenges help you develop mental toughness.
My persistence in the gym was a key factor in opening my gym. Back then, times were tough. I would often think to myself, “If I can do the lunges of death, why am I losing my mind about getting clients?”
Nothing I’ve ever done in the gym was as hard as the Lunges of Death. If I can do that, I can deal with the process of becoming successful in the fitness business.
2) You Will Build Your Foundation
Have you ever seen a building at its genesis?
There is nothing there except the ground. Even when the construction begins, the building will still look incomplete. But when you look at that same building a few years later, it’s a work of art.
When you first begin to lift weights, you will look incomplete. But as you continue to lift, your physique will begin to come together like that building. If you do it right, you will look completely different in the mirror. All your hard work will have paid off.
It’s hard to see the finish line at the start. But if you are consistent, you will eventually cross it.
3) You Can Dominate Your Sport
When all factors are equal, the stronger and more powerful athlete wins every time.
But how do you get bigger, stronger, and more powerful? By lifting weights that are relatively heavy.
Lifting weights, in addition to my sprint training, allowed me to run fast times as a master’s sprinter. I was able to smoke some younger sprinters on the in competition!
Many coaches don’t have a grasp on how to lift. And when these coaches have their athletes lift, it turns into a chaotic workout. Complete with bad form, excessive cussing, and no emphasis on progression.
For most sports, weight training is not the primary means to the end of winning. But if you are stronger, more powerful, and can avoid injuries, you’ll have a better chance of success.
4) You Can Almost Bulletproof Your Body
Lifting weights is also about increasing your body’s ability to resist injury.
When you do not perform any strength training, you are more susceptible to injury. Lacking durability shows up during activities like helping your friend move. Because if you are fragile, you have a much higher chance of blowing out your back when you try to lift that couch.
After years of training, that couch is unlikely to hurt you. Training hard will make your body rock solid. There is no fun in being frail and brittle like Glass Joe.
5) Your Clothes Won’t Make You
One of my biggest pet peeves is when some people spend excessively on clothing.
Their hope is that the clothes make them look better and hide their lack of fitness. I’ve seen many people in clothes worth hundreds of dollars and wearing pricey accessories. Meanwhile, they have an out of shape $1 body.
When you lift weights, you can make cheap clothing look like a top designer made it. As a man, you can go to Marshalls and buy:
• $15-$25 shirt
• $25-35 jeans
• A pair of basic Chuck Taylors.
As a woman, you can go to TJ Maxx and buy:
•A $15-$30 sundress
•$30 heels
After you put the clothes on, you will look like a stallion. When you lift weights, you make every outfit look good regardless of the brand. The clothing doesn’t make the man or woman.
There is nothing stopping you from lifting weights and upgrading your life.
I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer,