When I first started to lift weights in my teenage years, I did not know what I was doing.

I had a bad physique and did not maximize my athletic ability. During this time, I didn’t see real changes in my physique. At least not until I began reading non-mainstream articles about training. The misinformation I was being fed by the popular magazines had me going nowhere fast.

Strength training is important for every human on the planet. Nothing else that you do will make you look and feel better. And I’ve compiled five amazing benefits of lifting weights for you.

1) You Will Build Mental Toughness

Building mental toughness is one of the biggest benefits of lifting weights.

Many athletes and lifters today are soft. They get hit in the mouth once, and they quit. I’ve also seen many people in life who crumble at the first sign that things are going south. I’ve had times when things went south. Pushing through challenges in the gym has given me the mental toughness I need.

Brutal workouts build toughness and moxie. You cannot buy these qualities in a store.

2) You Will Develop Confidence

As a youth, my confidence was at zero.

I remember one day wearing a tank top to school in the 10th grade. I was feeling myself because I had one visible vein in my arm. But when I got to school, my classmates clowned me and my bird chest for eight straight hours. At the age of 15, that broke me like when Bane broke Batman’s back.

When I came to East Stroudsburg University as a walk-on sprinter, I didn’t wear my sprinter speed suit. A size small was baggy on me, so I wore the cross-country uniform. I was a young man close to 6 feet tall and weighing 130 pounds. Nothing looked good on me because I had minimal muscle mass.

But when I began to lift weights and eat like an athlete, my body began to change. My confidence also began to grow.

3) You Will Earn Physical Strength

The hallmark of most superheroes has always been physical strength.

If you lift weights on a consistent basis, you’ll reach strength levels you never imagined. In high school and college, I couldn’t bench press my body weight. I was lousy at pull-ups, and my deadlift was a joke.

Fast forward to 2013. My bench press was 260lbs and I could do a 100lb weighted pull-up. I could also deadlift 465lbs and squat 335lbs. I have also done walking barbell lunges with 315lbs and hip thrusted 669.5lbs. I never took anabolic steroids either. I may not be the world’s strongest man, but these numbers show how far I’ve come. Because I started in the gutters of strength.

To be stronger than 99 percent of people on Earth, you should start lifting weights.

4) You Can Forge A Spectacular Physique

Many people say they do not care about how they look.

But many people are not telling the truth. If no one cared about their looks, why would they buy waist trainers and other gimmicky products? Why would they have gym memberships and take weight loss drugs and supplements? Because they care about how they look! And that’s not a bad thing at all.

The ultimate way to improve how you look is to begin lifting weights. The iron is your chisel, and you are the sculptor. Genetics will dictate how you look untrained. But you can maximize your genetics by lifting weights on a regular basis.

5) You Will Feel Great

We only have one body. But many people abuse their bodies.

If you use drugs and drink alcohol often, your body and health will suffer significant damage. A lack of quality sleep, unhealthy eating habits, and inactivity will speed up the damage.

If you care about your body, you should lift weights. Your body will become healthier, stronger, leaner, and more resistant to pain.

Many people are in pain every day because of their daily choices. You define yourself through your repeated actions over time. Waking up and being strong because of your commitment to the iron feels amazing.


Lifting weights will change your life.

I’ll holla at you next time,
The People’s Trainer,

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