• All posing lessons will follow NGA or OCB posing standards.
• I currently offer posing for men’s bodybuilding, men’s classic physique, and women’s figure.
• Call or text The Center at 267-460-1790.
• Email me at Fitman@FitmanPerformance.com.
• Posing lessons will take place at my gym in Roslyn. I’m located in suburban Philadelphia.
• Competitors of all levels are welcome.
• Sign up for group posing lessons here
• Sign up for individual posing lessons here
Who Is Fitman?
Hey, everybody, it’s your man Fitman.
I competed in natural bodybuilding from 2010-2014 and I made my return to the stage at the 2022 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia.
I won the overall for open men’s bodybuilding and classic physique at the 2022 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia. My contest record is below:
1) 2011 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia:
7th out 12 in the Open Lightweight Class
2) 2011 Beyond Nutrition Natural:
7th out of 11 in the Open Tall Class
3) 2012 Beyond Nutrition Natural:
9th out of 9 in the Open Tall Class
4) 2012 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia:
6th out of 12 in the Open Middleweight Class
5) 2014 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia:
5th out of 12 in the Open Middleweight Class *
6) 2014 OCB Jersey Natural Open:
6th out of 12 in the Open Tall Class
7) 2022 NGA Mr. Natural Philadelphia:
Overall Winner in Open Bodybuilding ***
Overall Winner in Open Classic Physique ***
1st out of 3 in Open Bodybuilding Middleweight **
1st out of 3 in Open Classic Physique Middleweight **
8) 2022 OCB Jersey Natural Open:
2nd out of 6 in Open Bodybuilding B
* Top 5 finish in class.
** Won class.
*** Won overall.
I have been coaching natural bodybuilders and figure competitors since 2012. Most recently I coached the 2019 Ms. Natural Philadelphia overall winner Johanna Blume. This was her first show, and she won the overall for open figure!
What allowed her to stand out from the pack was the combination of her muscular size, definition, and posing. When you know how to properly pose, you can maximize your strong points and minimize your weak points on stage.
I promise you that it is highly embarrassing on stage when it’s obvious you have not practiced your posing. I’ve seen great physiques ruined by lousy posing and it’s maddening to see.
What Will I Learn?
My goal is to get natural bodybuilders sharper and extremely confident with their posing.
My posing lessons are ideal for any natural bodybuilder who wants to learn how to properly pose on stage. My lessons include:
* Posing for figure (women)
* Posing for bodybuilding and classic physique (men)
* A simulation of the contest, including pre-judging and evening routines
* Q and A on off-season and pre-contest dieting, training, conditioning, recovery, and supplements
* Contest specific questions relating to shaving and tanning
* Q and A addressing bodybuilding mythology
Note: I do not currently offer posing practice for bikini, wellness, men’s physique or women’s physique competitors.
In fairness to you, I have not mastered those posing techniques yet. Other competitors are still welcome to come to learn about training, dieting, and recovery. I’m passionate about helping other competitors prepare for a competition outside of posing.
When I master the posing for the other classes (or hire a professional to teach it), they will be immediately added to the posing lessons.
What Should I Wear?
You should wear whatever makes you comfortable, but this is bodybuilding.
You need to be able to see your entire physique in order to view your progress and see what poses work best for your body. My recommendations are:
• Posing trunks (bodybuilding)
• Short compression shorts (classic physique)
• Sports bra or competition top
• Short compression shorts or competition bottoms
• A bikini
• Heels (for figure only)
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost for my group posing lessons is $25 per person. The cost of an individual posing lesson is $50.
The lesson will last about 60 minutes and if you have any additional questions, you can talk more with me afterwards. You can contact me to schedule your lesson at 267-460-1790 or email me at Fitman@FitmanPerformance.com.
If you have been thinking about competing, there is no better time to start the process than now, as preparation is one of the most important keys to success. You will be royally exposed on stage if you are not prepared.
Schedule Your Posing Lesson
Sign Up For Group Posing Class
Sign Up For Individual Posing Lesson
Where Will The Posing Lessons For Bodybuilding/Figure Take Place?
The posing lessons will take place at my gym. If you live in the Philadelphia area, my gym is not too far from you. The address is:
The Fitman Performance And Physique Center
1518 Easton Rd. Unit #10
Roslyn, PA. 19001
I Am Thinking About Competing In Bodybuilding In The Future. Can I Do Posing Lessons?
My posing class is for all levels of natural bodybuilders and figure competitors. Every competitor who contacts me is at various levels of their physique development.
I’ll holla at you next time.
The People’s Trainer